The Journey to Become Mrs. Brisco


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Colors: To Change or NOT to Change

Original Date: 10-10-10
Fall Wedding
Colors: Purple and Silver

New Date: None Selected
Spring/Summer Wedding
Colors: None Selected

When I think fall wedding, I think of the more darker colors such as royal purple, browns, darker oranges and yellows, darker greens, etc.

When I think spring wedding, I think of bright yellows, oranges, pinks, turquoise, etc.

So, here we are with a wedding in a different season.

Do we change our colors or do we keep the colors we originally had?

OR, do we just add a brighter color to the palette?

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

And the Venue Search Begins...AGAIN!

Here I am on Sunday night after 11 pm blogging and putting my wedding notebook back in order.

I thought I had made all the appointments, gotten all the quotes and made a final decision on a venue...WRONG!

A wedding is not just about the is about the bride AND groom. Well, in MANY cases, the groom just shows up...NOT MINE!

Tyrone must have a say so on just about everything! The venue that my heart was set on was a no go because he was not as enthused about it as I was.

Needless to say, we must keep looking.

Now that we have not set a date, we have TONS of options to choose from.

Redoing my wedding notebook makes me realize that I have to do this all over again. It is such a drag. I hate it!

Why the hell are not one but BOTH of us so damn picky?!?

Can we pick a venue and get it over with...MY GOODNESS! This is part of the reason the wedding needed to be moved freakin venue!

Praying For A Refund

This wedding planning journey has been quite the learning experience.

If I have learned anything it is, DO NOT MAKE IMPULSE DECISIONS! Back in November, we booked our wedding on a yacht.


We thought it was the most amazing and wonderful thing that we could ever imagine. We dealt with a sales rep (no name given) who made it seem like this was the best thing ever and made us feel like this was the deal of a lifetime! The wedding would have been at 10 am in the morning.

Tyrone mentioned that we should see what else is out there because he felt like we were "scammed." Needless to say, there were other options out there for cheaper AND with additional features. We thought it would be no problem getting our money back (because of what "no name given" was telling us)...


We were now out of $2500 and could recoop ONLY $1500 IF someone else booked that date and time. We released the date at the beginning of February.

Here we are going into May and they claim not to be booked.

I was told by 2 different people that there WERE booked but when I called, they werent. I put a coworker up to it and they told her they were available.

So here I am PRAYING that we get our money back.

Even if we do get it back, we wont get it back until the day AFTER we were supposed to have the wedding.

Lord, please show us favor.

P.S. My brothers prom is with this same company...UGH...Wish our money could have gone toward that and we be compensated by the school...oh well...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Changing Our Date

So, when we first got engaged, there wasn't too much thought that was put into choosing a wedding date. When we became engaged, I was 6 months pregnant with our daughter and she was the focus. A few months after she was born, we were going to Del Amo Mall and we then started talking about dates.

We both had always dreamed of a Spring or Summer wedding but we figured that wouldn't have been enough time for us. Then Tyrone started throwing out random dates. He said 9-11 and I told him he is INSANE! Then he said, 10-10. He said we will have been together for 10 years. I said WAIT A MINUTE! I said, it will be 10 years and 10 months. I IMMEDIATELY check my calendar and saw that it was a Sunday...I said PERFECT! At that time, our date was set!

A few months later is when I started to get into the whole planning process and I started looking for places where we can get married. There were ALREADY a lot of places that were booked and had been booked for quite some time because of the date. I didn't know why so many people wanted this date. For us, it was something special but for others, they just liked the date.

Anyway, many options were OUT because they were already booked. I started making appointments and we went to go see some venues. Nothing really stood out. Then we finally thought we found something.

BIG MISTAKE!!! We let them sucker us into leaving a deposit for a 10 AM wedding...our hearts just were not there.

Unfortunately, we lost money since we decided to pull out. We were disappointed about it but we knew that we needed to move on.

I started making appointments again but there were even more options that were out because more time had passed and more people had booked other venues that had still been available.

After searching and searching, I finally found "The One." I made an appointment for Tyrone to go check it out and he was NOT as enthused about it as I was. My poor dreams were CRUSHED!

I broke down due to all the stress of planning, in addition to our baby girls birthday, Tyrone just opening a restaurant and my brothers prom and graduation.

As much as I did not want to let 10-10-10 go, I had been battling with myself for a week or so about changing the date. I knew that it was something that needed to be done but I wasn't ready to let it go.

In the end, I spoke with Tyrone and he made a valid point. He said that nothing is going our way in terms of finding a place, losing money, etc. An hour or so later, I admitted that I had been thinking that changing the date was the best idea but I didn't want to admit it to him.

We were actually both relieved.

We have decided that it is best to push the wedding back to Spring 2011. This way, so many more options are now open and we can have the wedding of our dreams!

We have not set a date yet BUT we are looking at April, May or June of 2011.


Welcome To My Blog

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of my wedding planning.

Tyrone and I are FINALLY getting married and I wanted to be able to share this journey with all of you out there.

So take a moment and check out what is going on with me! Don't forget to check back in from time to time to see what is new.
